Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater Collection is simple, free of maintenance, environmently friendly and a way of saving you money on water. When thinking about harvesting your rainwater you don't have to think big and expensive. You can save as much or as little as you want to and it really depends on what you want to use the water for. Many people just store and save water in a standard size water butt and use it to feed their garden. However if you are thinking of a larger rainwater system whether its aboveground or belowground then we can supply you with a rainwater harvesting system that meets your requirements.
Our Rainwater storage tanks are all manufactured by ourselves and we have a huge water storage tank selection that gives you many different size options for water storage. For more information on our rainwater systems call our dedicated sales team on 0871 200 2082 who can give you technical advice and information on all of our rainwater harvesting systems. We are very competitive in our prices and aim to give you the best deals and offers on all of our products.
Rainwater is something that many third world countries fail to see much of. In the UK we see plenty of rainfall throughout the year and thats why we have such healthy plantations, livestock, agricultural farms and a continuous drinking supply of water in our homes and elsewhere.
However when we have rain are we making the most of the rain fall? Or could we make even better use of it? Well did you know that the average roof top collects around 85,000 litres of water a year. When you think about it thats a lot of water that gets wasted away that could be used and collected for your purposes and needs. Yes also this will save you money on your water bills and depending on how much you use and save is to how much you will be saving.
Rainwater can be used for your home and garden, for irrigation, for farming and agricultural purposes and can be used for drinking water. The rainwater will need filteration from roomtops as they do contain bird faeces, moss and other debris. However if you are looking at turning your rainwater into drinking water it will need UV filteration and then it will need to be purified to reduce the chances of parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Remember unsafe drinking water can contain waterbourne diseases and other diseases that can be very harmful to your health.
There are many things that you can use rainwater for around the home and garden such as feeding and maintaining your garden as rainwater is always better for your garden than tap water as it will not contain all the filteration chemicals which tap water has. Rainwater can be used for simple things such as washing your car, windows, patio and cleaning your conservatory roof. Also with one of our Ecosure rainwater harvesting systems you can use it for flushing your toilet or using it for certain kitchen appliances. It will need filteration however but once the system is in place imagine how much money you will be saving.
Average of Litres We Use
* |
Bath water |
80 Litres |
* |
Average Shower |
30 - 35 litres |
* |
Average Shower (using power shower) |
90Litres |
Single Toilet Flush |
8 - 9 Litres |
* |
General Water Use |
25 - 30 Litres |
* |
Washine Machine |
60 Litres |
* |
Dishwasher |
40 Litres |
Watering the Garden using a Watering Can |
7 - 9 litres (per full can) |
Car Wash using a Bucket (avg 1hr wash) |
15 Litres |
Car Wash Hose using a Hose(avg 1hr wash) |
540 Ltr/Hr |
Saving Water
We use 70% more water today than we did 40 years
By redusing our water usage we will:
Save money
Reduse the possiblity of a drought, which will lead to a hosepipe ban.
Reduse the damage which is done to wildlife in wetlands, reservoir and rivers.
Ecosure manufacture a wide and various range of water butts and water tanks from many different sizes, colours and styles. Ecosure has a popular water butt range that include the popular sellers such as the slimline water butts that are ideal for sliding into easy and tight spaces and the tall Ecopillar water butts which take up very little ground footprint. Each water butt is made using quality industrial strength plastic and are made to be extra thicker than standard water butts.
See an extensive range of water tanks that range in size from 85 litres to 20,000 litres of water. Ideal for rainwater harvesting, general water storage and also see a new range of potable water tanks.
Ecosure Saving Water Tips
- The First Tip is by using a water butt or water tanks to collect the rainwater from your rooftop, rather than using and wasting treated water to feed your garden which costs.
- If you need more water once you have used the limit of your water butt. Buy other water butts and link them together
- Keep your gutters clear of leaves etc so that all of the water falls down to your water butt and not elsewhere.
- If you use a hosepipe make sure that the nozzle is secure and tight and that water is not running out unnecessarily.
- Always check the weather forcast before planning on watering your garden. There would be no point in feeding your garden if it is about to rain.
- Make sure that you water your plants either early in the morning or evening so that there is less water to evaporate.
- Direct the water to the roots of the plant rather than on top so that the plant receives the full amount.
- Make sure you insulate all out side taps and pipes to prevent the water from freezing and causing leaks and bursts in the pipes.
Hosepipe Bands
When there is a drought, dry spells and lack of rainfall it is hard to keep ontop of watering your garden, however when it leads to hosepipe bands it really then starts to affect everyone and it hits hard for garden lovers and vegetable growers. Keeping your garden healthy starts to be a even bigger task and an expensive one if your relying on the mains water. So Ecosure urges you to save your own water and this can be in a water butt or water tank. With your water butt there are no restrictions! You can attach your hosepipe and your well away and the hosepipe band may affect your neighbours, but you will still have that healthly looking garden!